Veterans 12 Step Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery Program Near Me in Las Vegas, Nevada


Welcome to Desert Winds Recovery Center, your sanctuary in the heart of Las Vegas. We are a specialized addiction and mental health rehabilitation center, offering a lifeline to those battling substance abuse. Our distinct focus on veterans provides a compassionate and understanding environment, guiding them through their journey to recovery. With our proven 12-step program, we are committed to helping each individual reclaim their life, one step at a time. Let’s take this healing journey together, because at Desert Winds, we believe in turning adversity into strength.

What is the 12-Step Program for addiction recovery?


The 12-Step Recovery Program is a set of guiding principles designed to aid individuals in overcoming addiction, compulsion, or other behavioral problems. It was originally formulated by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in the 1930s and has since been widely adopted by various support groups worldwide. The steps serve as a roadmap to recovery, offering a structured approach to tackling addiction.


The program begins with the acknowledgement that one is powerless over their addiction, and that life has become unmanageable as a result. This admission serves as a foundation for recovery, setting the stage for a personal transformation.


Subsequent steps involve a belief in a higher power (as understood by the individual), making a moral inventory of oneself, admitting wrongs to oneself and others, and making amends where possible. The process also includes continued self-examination, maintaining a spiritual awakening through prayer or meditation, and carrying the message of recovery to others suffering from addiction.


While the 12 steps are spiritual in nature, they do not promote any particular religious belief. Instead, they focus on personal growth and healing through self-reflection, honesty, and responsibility. The aim is to provide individuals with a framework for living a healthier, more fulfilling life free from addiction.


The 12-step program is not a quick fix, but rather a lifelong commitment to self-improvement and sobriety. It’s about learning new ways of dealing with life’s challenges without resorting to substances. It’s not just about abstaining from drugs or alcohol, but about changing one’s lifestyle and attitudes to create a sustainable path to recovery.

Does the 12 steps program work for Veterans?

Yes, the 12-step program can be effective for veterans struggling with addiction.  The Department of Veterans Affairs also acknowledges the role of recovery-oriented mutual self-help groups, including 12-step programs, in supporting veterans. These programs, while having a general spiritual foundation, do not necessitate a specific religious or spiritual background for participation.


Moreover, specialized treatment programs like Desert Wind’s Spartan Program, which is designed to assist military veterans and first responders grappling with substance use and mental health issues, often incorporate the 12-step model into their approach.


In conclusion, the 12-step program, with its focus on personal growth, honesty, and responsibility, can be a valuable tool in helping veterans combat addiction and lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

What is the Alcohol Addiction 12 Step Program?

The Alcohol Addiction 12-Step Program, most commonly associated with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), is a structured plan designed to help individuals overcome their struggles with alcohol addiction. The program encourages participants to admit their powerlessness over alcohol and recognize that their lives have become unmanageable due to their addiction. This admission forms the basis for the subsequent steps in the recovery journey.


The following steps involve recognizing a higher power that can provide strength, examining past errors with the help of a sponsor (experienced member), making amends for these errors, learning to live a new life with a new code of behavior, and helping others who suffer from the same alcoholism. The program promotes sobriety, self-improvement, and peer support as key elements of a successful recovery. Although the program has a spiritual component, it does not affiliate with any particular religious doctrine, allowing individuals of various beliefs to participate.

What is the Drug Addiction 12 Step Program?

The Drug Addiction 12-Step Program, often associated with Narcotics Anonymous (NA), is a structured approach aimed at helping individuals overcome their drug addiction. Similar to the Alcoholics Anonymous program, the first step involves admitting one’s powerlessness over drugs and recognizing that their life has become unmanageable due to this addiction. This sets the foundation for the recovery journey ahead.


The subsequent steps involve seeking help from a higher power (as understood by the individual), taking a moral inventory of oneself, confessing one’s wrongs, making amends where possible, and striving to improve oneself through prayer or meditation. The final step involves carrying the message of recovery to others who are battling drug addiction. The program emphasizes personal growth, honesty, and responsibility, providing a supportive community for individuals working toward a drug-free life. As with AA, the program is spiritual in nature but not tied to any specific religion, making it accessible to people of all beliefs.

What are Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous?


Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are two of the most well-known organizations dedicated to helping individuals overcome addiction. They both employ a community-focused, peer-support approach to recovery, grounded in the principles of the 12-step program.


Alcoholics Anonymous, founded in 1935, is an international mutual aid fellowship with the primary purpose of helping alcoholics achieve sobriety. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. AA operates on the principle of one alcoholic helping another through shared experiences, strength, and hope. It encourages members to attend regular meetings where they can share their experiences and support each other in their recovery. The organization does not offer professional services but instead relies on the personal experiences of its members to foster a supportive environment.


Narcotics Anonymous, established in 1953, is a nonprofit fellowship of men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem. Like AA, NA utilizes the 12-step program, and its only requirement for membership is the desire to stop using drugs. NA members attend regular meetings to help each other stay clean and recover from the effects of addiction in their lives. The organization is committed to the principle that an addict, any addict, can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live.


Both AA and NA emphasize anonymity, providing a safe and non-judgmental environment for individuals to seek help. They also stress that they are not affiliated with any particular institution or religion, and they do not engage in any controversy; neither endorsing nor opposing any causes. Their primary purpose is to stay sober or clean and help other alcoholics or addicts achieve the same freedom.

What are the 12-Steps of AA and NA?


The 12-Step programs of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) serve as a blueprint for individuals seeking to overcome alcohol and drug addiction, respectively. These steps are designed to guide participants through the process of acknowledging their addiction, seeking assistance, making amends, and maintaining recovery.


The sequence of these steps is designed to facilitate a transformative process, guiding individuals from a state of addiction to one of recovery and personal growth. Each step builds upon the previous one, creating a comprehensive approach to overcoming substance abuse.

Step 1 - Admission of Powerlessness:

The first step is acknowledging that one has lost control over their life due to their addiction to alcohol or drugs.

Step 2 - Belief in Higher Power:

This step encourages acceptance that help from a higher power, as understood by the individual, can restore sanity and help overcome addiction.

Step 3 - Surrendering Control:

Participants are asked to make a conscious decision to turn over their will and lives to their higher power for guidance and strength.

Step 4 - Self-Examination:

This involves conducting a thorough and fearless moral inventory, identifying personal shortcomings and understanding how these might have contributed to the addiction.

Step 5 - Confession of Wrongs:

The fifth step entails admitting to oneself, to the higher power, and to another person the exact nature of one’s wrongs, promoting a sense of accountability and honesty.

Step 6 - Readiness for Change:

Participants prepare themselves mentally and emotionally to have their higher power remove their character defects.

Step 7 - Seeking Removal of Shortcomings:

This step involves actively asking the higher power to remove these shortcomings, demonstrating humility and the desire to change.

Step 8 - List of Harms Done:

Participants make a list of all individuals they have harmed during their addiction and express a willingness to make amends to each of them.

Step 9 - Making Amends:

Direct amends are made to those harmed, except when doing so would cause further harm or injury.

Step 10 - Continued Self-Assessment:

This step emphasizes ongoing self-evaluation and the importance of promptly admitting when one is wrong, fostering personal growth and responsibility.

Step 11 - Prayer and Meditation:

The penultimate step encourages participants to improve their spiritual connection with their higher power through prayer and meditation, seeking to understand and carry out the higher power’s will.

Step 12 - Spreading the Message:

Having experienced a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, participants are encouraged to share their journey with others struggling with addiction and to incorporate these principles into all aspects of their lives.

Does Veterans Health Insurance Cover 12-Step Recovery Programs?


Yes, Veterans Health Insurance does cover 12-Step recovery programs. The Veterans Affairs (VA) health care program provides services to treat substance use problems, including access to rehabilitation programs that utilize the 12-step approach.


The VA recognizes substance abuse as a significant issue affecting veterans and offers comprehensive treatment options to address it. These programs are designed to help individuals overcome their addiction through a structured, step-by-step approach that encourages acknowledgement of the problem, seeking help, making amends, and maintaining recovery.


To receive these services, veterans typically need to apply for VA health care. Once enrolled, they can access a range of treatments tailored to their individual needs. This may include inpatient or outpatient treatment, detoxification, counseling, medication, and follow-up care to prevent relapse. Among these offerings, 12-step programs play a crucial role due to their proven effectiveness in helping individuals maintain long-term sobriety.


In addition to covering the costs of treatment, the VA also provides resources to help veterans navigate their recovery journey. This holistic approach to care underscores the VA’s commitment to supporting veterans as they work to overcome substance use problems and improve their quality of life.

Veterans Addiction Recovery Centers that offer 12-step programs near me in Las Vegas, NV


Las Vegas hosts several Veterans Addiction Recovery Centers that offer 12-step programs tailored to the unique needs of veterans. These centers understand the specific challenges veterans face and provide support systems that aid in their journey towards recovery.


At Desert Winds Recovery Center, we offer a specialized program known as the Spartan Program. The Spartan Program incorporates a 12-step component into its treatment plan, providing a structured path for veterans to follow as they work towards overcoming their addiction. This program is designed to guide participants through the process of acknowledging their addiction, seeking assistance, making amends, and maintaining recovery.


Our facility is run by a dedicated and professional staff that understand the unique struggles that veterans face when dealing with substance abuse. We are committed to providing compassionate and personalized care to every veteran who walks through their doors. Their goal is to help veterans reclaim control over their lives and experience the joy of living free from addiction.

If you or a loved one is a veteran struggling with substance abuse, consider reaching out to Desert Winds Recovery Center. Their team is standing by, ready to provide the support and guidance you need to start your journey towards recovery. You can expect a welcoming environment, a team of professionals committed to your well-being, and a comprehensive treatment plan designed to meet your individual needs.


Call us at (702) 903-9847 or if you prefer to visit us in person, please stop by our facility:


Las Vegas, Nevada: 6233 Palmyra Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89146

What else do I need to know about Veteran twelve step recovery programs?


Veteran 12-step recovery programs are designed to address the unique challenges that veterans face when dealing with substance abuse. These programs offer a structured path to recovery, incorporating proven strategies from the traditional 12-step model. Here are some key aspects you might want to know:

How to Find a Veteran 12-Step Recovery Program in Nevada Near Me?

You can find local veteran 12-step recovery programs by using resources like SAMHSA’s National Helpline, which offers free, confidential treatment referral and information services. Additionally, the VA, either your local office or its website offers resources for those seeking treatment.  You can also look up the 12-Step Fellowship Websites for AA and NA.

Does the Twelve Step Addiction Recovery Program Work?

Yes, the 12-step addiction recovery program has been proven effective for many veterans struggling with addiction. Programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, which utilize the 12-step model, have helped countless people achieve and maintain sobriety.

How Long Is a 12 Step Program?

The length of a 12-step program varies based on individual needs and progress. It’s not a fixed duration treatment but a lifelong commitment to maintaining sobriety and personal growth. The steps are intended to be worked at the individual’s pace, ensuring they fully understand and internalize each principle before moving on to the next.

What Are the Pros and Cons of the 12 Steps?

The 12-step program’s major benefits include providing a structured recovery path, fostering a supportive community, and promoting personal accountability. However, some critics argue that the focus on a higher power may not resonate with everyone, and the emphasis on powerlessness can be problematic for some individuals.

What are the Alternatives to the Twelve Steps?

Alternatives to 12-step programs include cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and medication-assisted treatment. Here at Desert Winds Recovery Center, we offer a variety of treatment programs to help veterans overcome addiction.

Do I Have to be Religious to Follow the Twelve Steps?

No, you do not need to be religious to follow the twelve steps. While the program does reference a “Higher Power,” this term is open to individual interpretation and need not refer to a traditional religious deity. The focus is more on acknowledging that overcoming addiction may require assistance beyond one’s personal willpower.

If you or a veteran you know is struggling with addiction, call us at (702) 903-9847. Our treatment specialists can provide specific information on the available programs and help guide you through the process of seeking treatment.

Additional information on Holistic Treatment and Veterans Addiction

More than one in ten veterans have been diagnosed with a substance use disorder, slightly higher than the general population (National Institute on Drug Abuse)

NIDA also reports that 10% of Veterans in addiction programs were form heroin addiction disorders.

Veterans are more likely than the civilian population to both use alcohol and binge drink (NIDA)

The Stanford School of Medicine found that “Alcoholics Anonymous…is the most effective path to abstinence”

Lee Ann Kaskutas found that “rates of abstinence are about twice as high among those who attend AA”

What is Nevada Known For?

Nevada, located in the western United States, is renowned for its diverse range of attractions and unique characteristics. This state is famously known as ‘The Silver State,’ for its significant silver deposits discovered in the mid-19th century. But it’s also recognized by other nicknames such as “The Sagebrush State” and “Battle Born State,” the latter being a nod to its entry into the Union during the Civil War.


One cannot mention Nevada without bringing up the glittering city of Las Vegas, a global hub for entertainment, gaming, and nightlife. Las Vegas boasts more hotel rooms than any other city on the planet. Reno and Carson City are other notable cities in the state. Besides its bustling cities, Nevada is also home to stunning natural landscapes. The state is characterized by large flat lands, prickly pears, desert terrains, and colorful boulders.


Nevada’s natural beauty extends to Lake Tahoe, one of the largest, deepest, and clearest freshwater lakes in the entire world. The state also houses the Black Rock Desert and numerous breathtaking national and state parks. The Hoover Dam, an engineering marvel straddling the border between Nevada and Arizona, is another major landmark.


In addition to its physical attributes, Nevada is known for its libertarian laws. With a population of just over 110,000 people in 1940, Nevada was by far the least-populated state, but it has since experienced significant growth6. Despite its reputation for gaming and entertainment, Nevada is also recognized for its industries, including gold mining—it’s not just the Silver State but also a golden one.


So whether you’re drawn to the bright lights of Las Vegas, the tranquility of Lake Tahoe, or the state’s rich history and libertarian spirit, there’s no denying that Nevada has a lot to offer.